Thursday, October 20, 2016

Guess What I Saw?!


 Though I did hear what sounded to me like otters giggling in the brook...
An unmistakable sound...

 Yep...another trip to visit Pond Brook, part of the Summit Metropark system(and my favorite!) Still looking for the River Otters that reside in the area...still... I've asked most everyone I've met along the trails about them. Most had no idea that otters lived in our area. A few had ACTUALLY spotted them. I think they were teasing me... was a lovely autumn morning to be out, a lovely sky, nice temps and loads of Yellow-rumped Warblies in the trees and shrubs! Does life get any better than warbly time? Nope. Next to Magee Marsh in May, this is my favorite time of year to wander in the woods. The smell of the fallen leaves...what I like to call rotting so relaxing. Though it is hard to sneak up on birdies when those leaves are crunching underfoot. I can deal with it. I've never been known to be graceful or subtle when hiking anyway.

I must also mention the folks I've met walking here. All pleasant and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. I met a very nice young woman with her son out exploring along the trail Sunday morning. It's really great to see a young boy out in nature and liking it! We discussed aphids(you never know what you'll find interesting out there!) and the young man enjoyed checking out my camera. A future birder? I now have hope for the future of our natural world!

 Great trails and a boardwalk if you're afraid of tromping through mud.
I personally LOVE to stomp in the mud!

 Yep, Yellow-rumped Warbly!
Everywhere you looked at the woodland edges and tree tops!

White-crowned Sparrows were out in full force as well...
You know what that means...winter is coming! 
And these guys were getting crabby...

 I didn't like the way this Turkey Vulture kept circling over my head...

I told you the Yellow-rumps were everywhere!

 A very handsome...and fluffy...White-crowned Sparrow.

 I think the first year White-crowned Sparrows are gorgeous.

 Yep, another "butterbutt" I said, everywhere.

 The Song Sparrows were still singing.
I think this was one migrating through...he had an odd song, maybe a slight Canadian accent...

 Freshly seeded areas attracted a number of Red-winged Blackbirds that were passing through.
I think the females are striking...

 You'll never guess what this is?!

 Hard to believe this used to be access for drilling rigs.
It's much better now.

 Speaking of warblies(I always am!,) there were quite a few Palm Warblies feeding along the trail and in the "weeds."

 There's beauty everywhere if you look closely.

 This Northern Cardinal actually sat still...for almost a second and a half.

Palm Warblies don't usually sit still very long...

 The light coming through the forest was great!
This is one of my favorite shots of a Palm Warbly.

 They have to really chow down to prepare for their long journey south!
Sounds like a good plan to me...ROAD TRIP!

 Look, but don't touch!

 I was very surprised to see this Monarch butterfly out in the grass.
Must be a straggler. I hope he makes it south!

 Of course, House Sparrows are always found where there's a meal...

 This day was so beautiful that I even took a photo of a European Starling.
Very bad and destructive invasive bird, but still attractive in the fall.

 This Eastern Chipmunk froze on the boardwalk as I came up on him.
I told him no worries lil buddy and he smiled and trotted off with a wave of his tail.
My reality and your reality may be a little different...a little.

 There was an Eastern Bluebird pair sitting in this tree, but I think I startled the male and he flew off.

 This is the dirty look I received for shooing off her mate.
But it was an accident!
Oh well...the same look I get from most women...

 The American Goldfinches seemed very sad today.
They miss their bright and cheery summer apparel.
I know the feeling.

 Poor sad little finchy...

 All the young American Robins were in the meadow hunting for worms and grubs.
Good eating this morning!
I had a sausage McMuffin.
Better than worms...but not as healthy...

 Rude little Black-capped Chickadee...

 This Blue Jay and his buddies kept a close eye on me as I walked around the parking area.
They have trust issues.

 I finally found the ideal BirdMobile!
No roof and I can see all around...just gotta watch that car ahead of me...

Once last Yellow-rump for the road!

Until we meet again on the trails...Happy Birding!