Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Speaking of bird feeders!

Wowie, wow, wow.

Our watch cat, Heidi, went crazy last night around midnight. She keeps an eye out at all the windows for trespassers such as other cats, chipmunks, skunks and other furry critters. She was running from the living room window to the kitchen window making that weird chatter cats make when excited.

I looked out front and there was a small bunny. As you know, there is no such thing as ONE rabbit. I looked out the kitchen window and saw two more on my "Bird Proof Squirrel Feeder", (more on that another day). I then looked up at the bird feeder above and saw what I first thought was a Stoopid Mourning Dove (their technical name) out late for a midnight snack.
When I got the flashlight and looked closer, I discovered it was an Eastern Screech Owl! Another new bird for the feeder list!
I ran for the camera to get evidence. Boy, it ain't easy holding that 300mm lens in one hand and a maglight in the other while trying to focus and aim both at the same time! I managed to get a few shots, at ISO 12,400 and 1/24 of a second. Love that Canon 50D(free advertisement!). I then went to get the tripod, but too late.
That's okay, I'm a happy boy with dreams of Owls floating through my head all night!


  1. Oh me oh my - and I slept through the whole affair! That's what I get for not being a NIGHT OWL! - Laurie Loo

  2. Congrats on your very cool backyard visitor! Do you guys have a screech owl box up? If not, I have the plans for building one.


  3. Hi Dave, drop by my site for details on an award I am passing on to you, the Dardos Award.

  4. I'm always fascinated by owls! A very nice story and amazing results at ultra high ISO. Thanks for sharing!
