Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Birding with BP...

Birding in the future will be like shooting fish(or ducks) in a barrel!

Sure, what the heck. Let's give all of our corporations all of the control and independence they want. It will be for the good of all people...bah, nature, who needs it.

Instead of looking for those hard to identify birds, we'll look for half completed displays...

If you miss 'warbler neck', the museums will oblige you by hanging a few feathered corpses from the ceiling.

Think of how easy the breeding bird atlas will be!

You want to see an Emperor Penguin but don't like the cold? No problem! We have a coal furnace here!

Remember the Passenger Pigeon? There's millions of them, they'll NEVER disappear...oh, wait...

Ivory-billed Woodpecker, we got those!
(Oops, Andy Jones, the curator of ornithology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History,
just informed me these are Imperial Woodpeckers, also extinct. Probably our fault too.)

And looking on the bright side, me and the Doodles will finally get that Yellow-headed Blackbird we've been searching for...

Yeah, Clean Coal and more oil, that's what we need...sure...good luck with that...