Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pogo and Pals...

This was one piggy 'possum!
He cleaned out the cracked corn on the "squirrel" feeder...almost as bad as the Starlings!
I hope somebody besides me remembers POGO! If you don't, click on his name! He was a possum that lived in a swamp in the bayou. We have one living in our swamp...though our swamp is rather snow covered at the moment, and cold, and above water, and no bugs...hmmm, I guess it's not really a swamp...anyway, we have a possum!
I spent everyday this past weekend clearing the drive and the sidewalk of snow, snow and more snow. I don't like snow. WILL IT NEVER END?!

Yes, the snow is up to the seat on our bench!
That's a two foot high fence with about a foot still showing, it's not supposed to snow this much here...where is spring?

During the storm, a Red-tailed Hawk stopped by for a break.
Of course his butt was facing me and he was in the very back of the gardens waiting for the snow to subside, and checking the menu...

"Squirrel I am" said:
I do not like this Hawk.
This Hawk I do not like.
I do not like his squawk.
I do not like his walk.
I do not like him, I can not like him, ack....
(The Hawk liked him...)
A Mourning Dove waiting to be "liked" by the local Cooper's Hawk.

Meanwhile back by the house where it's safe and quiet...
...a House Sparrow in the tangle of vines on our privacy fence.

A House Finch watching the snow fall (and waiting for me to fill the feeders!)

O Boy! The American Goldfinch is starting to get his bright feathers!

And of course, a snowy day wouldn't be complete without a Northern Cardinal from behind.
Think spring.


  1. Dave, come on, you do not like snow.... Look at this fantastic squirrel shot you got with the snow flakes!! It is just perfect and has a pretty good atmosphere on it due to the flakes.... You got a nice winter scenery post!!! For us snow is almost gone already, because it is raining!!

  2. Thanks Chris! I keep forgeting that "ICEland" isn't all that icy!

  3. I love your Dr. Seuss riff!! well done! See, all that white stuff makes you more creative- and that is one very cute possum - Ihope the hawk didn't find him nice too!

  4. Hi Susan! Yep, I'm snow-crazy! The Red-tail is on a diet...lo-possum...

  5. Great photos Dave!! I love Opossums!
