Monday, July 26, 2010

Hard to Swallow....

"Hey! We're trying to sleep here!"

We have LOTS of Swallows nesting and zooming out at the BirdMobile. Barn Swallows, Tree Swallows( a couple of which I helped with banding!) and occasionally Northern Rough-winged Swallows passing through.

When I saw this nest under the awning of our neighbors mobile home, the first thing I said to myself was "Hey myself, that's a Cliff Swallowy kind of nest! Nah, that can't be a Cliff Swallowy nest, that ain't no bridge and that sure ain't no cliff! But it sure looks like a Cliff Swallowy kind of nest built on top of a Barn Swallows nest!"

I asked for Pro-Fessional advice from a real live pro-fessional! Paul Baicich, neighbor, birder, croquet king, conservationist and author of "A Guide to Nests, Eggs and Nestlings of North American Birds." Surely he would be able to solve this riddle built on an enigma! By golly he did answer that question of which I asked him ever so politely.

"Why yes David, that indeed IS the nest of a Cliff Swallow AND that indeed is a Cliff Swallow residing within."(He didn't really say it like that.) The Commandant has spoken. Now I shall use copious amount of digital media taking fuzzy, slightly out of focus photos of said birds and their humble home.

And here I share these with you, my friends and viewers, my fervid fans of featherdom...

Here's the big guy pushing his way out to get fed first.
He has one sibling tucking back in there, all cozy...and...uh, cramped...

It still amazes me how far down the brat's throat you have to go to get that bug in there!
I'm glad I'm not a son would have starved...

And here's proof positive that we have a Cliff Swallow for a neighbor!
Welcome to the hood!

Next episode...History and Hi-jinks!


  1. great shots! we have cliff swallows here, but not HERE if you know what I mean...lucky you!!

  2. Thanks Susan! It's nice when we get a chance to view an unusual bird so close.
