I like powdered sugar on donuts too, but this snow on the ground does not make me happy.
Not at all. That's why I'm showing you these photos that I recently discovered from June at Ottawa...in June...sans snow...in the sun...when it was warm...and dry...and no snow...
Not at all. That's why I'm showing you these photos that I recently discovered from June at Ottawa...in June...sans snow...in the sun...when it was warm...and dry...and no snow...
There is something attached to her, but, nope, it's not snowballs...
And once again, no snow to be seen, thank you very much.
Specifically, Kimberly Kaufman for the Chandler Robbins Award in Education and Conservation.
She's an amazing person that has done so much for young birders and many adults too!
If you're not a member yet, think about it! The organization is getting back on it's feet and really needs our support right now. Just a thought...
I think I'm with you. ...the older I get, the more I'd like to live by the sea where it's warm...all the time!