I think the Gray Catbird may be the only one excited about this post.
Yeah, I know..."Great title for the post Loop!" Well, I'm sorry. All of this rain is making my brain itch and it's very uncomfortable in there! So here's some birdy type pics to look and laugh at and when the rain stops and I finish building the pool in our basement, I come up with something clever. Or not. Ya never know...
This is an American Robin describing how he zoomed in and pounced on an unsuspecting worm.
"Gotta watch those worms, they're quick and deadly!"
Great, now the Black-capped Chickadees are turning their backs on me...sheesh.
A Black-throated Green Warbly with a look of indifference.
Mystery Warbly!...with a band too!
(Some mystery, if you place your cursor arrowy thingy over the pic, the title comes up.)
Did you know that Downy Woodpeckers play hide and seek when they get bored?
It's a true factual fact. Indeed.
A Gray-cheeked Thrush turning the other cheek.
(You knew that was coming, didn't you?)
A rare view of a Lincoln's Sparrow without his top hat and beard.If you look closely, you'll see his wart.
Banded Magnolia Warbly Booty!
Magnolia Warbly, no band, a little booty.
Prothonotary Warbly pretending to be a Woodpecker.
Find the Mourning Warbly!Does this photo mean that I am a "crack shot?"
Token nice Mourning Warbly photo.
This is the closest to focus I get with this warbly thing.
The bad thing about standing under a Tree Swallow at it's nest?
Cleaning the splatter of splay off your camera and flash.
One more reason to bird from behind with a closed mouth.
A Warbling(Warbly?) Vireo with the lovely blank stare.
You can almost hear him say "Dur."
This is what a Yellow Warbly taking aim at a camera looks like.
Bad shots by the way.
"Ugh, I glad that's over!"*Stay tuned! Bobb the Chipmunk got a copy of "Antarctic Wildlife" by James Lowen...my, my, does he have a lot to say about this place!
Great shots as usual. Glad for your commentary. We wish we had rains down here. Instead we get the 30-40mph winds. Going on three months of wind now and I have not gone out at all. What's a Warbly thing? I missed migration all together due to the winds. Oh, the winds and the fact that I'm lazy, old and just don't feel like going out. Ha... You yankees are funny peoples.... Haw, Haw.