Sunday, April 21, 2024

More from Costa Rica...Toucans to Waterfalls...

That's a very distant Yellow-throated (or black-mandibled, depending on your field guide!)

Yep, still living the Pura Vida! I have so many memories of great times with my new and old friends in Costa Rica...not to mention the number of photos I took!

Most of these shots were taken during our trip to a finca, or farm, which I can't remember the name of, and of the Nauyaca Waterfalls. I do remember the heat of that day! Close to 90 degrees with all the humidity there is! I was soaking wet, even before the waterfalls! Even with that I would love to go back to do some serious birding!

In the meantime, enjoy a few more photos of our adventure!

I finally got close enough to get a good shot!

Another yellow-throated toucan trying to hide...he needs to find some bigger branches...

Woo-hoo! A lifer warbly! It's been a while since I've gotten a new one...this is a buff-rumped warbler hunting in a small stream.

Uh...moo amigo...

After the hike to the waterfalls and a wander around the finca property, we were parched to say the least. Our host made this very refreshing drink with pure and fresh cane sugar, lemons delivered by horseback(really!) and various spices. It tasted like sweet tea and was fantastic!

This is one of the views from the farm.I would love to wake up to this everyday!

This is definitely a flower...I could tell. Pretty clever, aren't I?

A pair of golden carpenter ants...with bad attitudes!

These are about a half inch long with serrated mandibles. I would not want to be chewed on by them, nope.

Under that leaf is a leaf cutter ant. They cut leaves. And carry them. I carry a camera, not leaves.

This was a big surprise to me! It's a Montezuma oropendula, normally found much further north of our location. Birds have wings and their territory is spreading.

Ken and I, kings of the rocks! That's Brian's head just to the left...what muscles I have!

This is the lower part of Nauyaca Waterfall. That man gives you some scale. He later climbed up much higher and leapt off...nope, not me!

So many streams branched off of the falls...with nice cool water!


Here we go...who's that skinny bald guy in the second row?

One of the only butterflies that sat still long enough for me! A white satyr.

I was truly surprised to see white-tailed deer in Costa Rica...they're a bit smaller than the Ohio deer.

Thanks again for visiting! Stay tuned for more of PURA VIDA!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Beautiful

  2. Another fine post David!! Thank you for sharing!!! 😊

  3. Beautiful presentation Dave. Thanks.

  4. Love your pics and comments! Lorna
