Monday, October 26, 2009

The Great Northwoods...

This very colorful (even to me!) tree was full of Cedar Waxwings.

This is a different "Northwood" than the one you may be thinking of. This lovely city park, Nature Trails, is between the BirdMobile and Toledo, just south of Oregon, yep, Oregon, well actually a different Oregon. This area is full of great place names!
We spent a typical autumn day walking their loop trail. It was a little chilly with a crisp wind and occasional drizzle, which my camera does not like one bit! Fortunately, there are the occasional trees which still have enough leaves to keep me and the Doodles from getting soaked! It was worth it to view the last of the fall foliage and maybe a few more migrating birds before the snow hits...ick.
American Robins were found in great flocks in the meadows and farm fields as well as every tree and shrub in sight.

And of course, the Dark-eyed Juncos were giving out the crazy eye to anyone that spotted them!

Speaking of crazy...oops...the Doodles says "Smile!"

I still think House Sparrows are very handsome birds...

You may have to click on this pic to enlarge it.
I thought it was a Song Sparrow as there were quite a few about.
Turns out it was a Lincoln's Sparrow giving that Cedar Waxwing a piece of his mind...very tastefully and quietly of course...

Now there's a Song Sparrow. I think it was the brightest one I have ever seen.

I was looking for more Sparrows in the tall grass and wildflowers, when up popped the Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Every day you spot a warbly thing is a good day!

There were a number of puddles in the grass due to the rain and all of the birdies were taking advantage of Saturday bath time.

Even a pair of Northern Flickers were taking advantage of the puddles...and the insects around them!


  1. Very nice birdie shots, and Doodles is cute too! ;o) I agree that the male house sparrow is quite handsome...I get them at the feeder.

  2. Now Dave, look, this is not fair, I'm getting darkness, cold, and soon snow and you are getting cedar waxing!!!! Gosh man, I want them here!!!!! These are so cute birds that I've never seen!!!! I've seen bohemian in Finland and here and I'm waiting for them to come over here. They usually arrive around mid-November, pushed away from Finland by some depressions... One has been spotted in the south of the country and I'm so eager to see them again!!
    You did a very nice post with beautiful shots! Thanks for sharing.
