Friday, March 28, 2014

It's Shreve Migration Sensation Time!

 The weather may not look very spring, but the Eastern Bluebirds will make you a happy birder!

 Yes kids, it's that time again! The Shreve Migration Sensation is this weekend...and I almost forgot!
This will be the 14th year it's been held in the areas surrounding Shreve, Ohio. This event always makes me long for the spring weather that I know is just around the corner. The first birdy outing of the year to get you "warmed" up for the onslaught of those little warbly things that will be zooming through here in less than a month.

If you're looking for a great way to shake off that cabin fever, this is it. They will have a vendor show at the elementary school along with special bird programs presented by a few folks and friends I'm sure you know...Kimm and Kenn Kaufman, Jim McCormac and Cheryl Harner just to name a few. And then there's the fantastic birding in the surrounding areas...Funk Bottoms(really!), Killbuck Marsh, Shreve Lake, Brown's Bog(don't miss that one!) and more.

So, turn off your stoopid computer and get out here!
The Song Sparrows are calling you!

 The Snipe hunting is easy down here!
There's four just in this fuzzy shot...and there were more down the shore!

 And there's water without ice...for a change.
"I look sooo beautiful!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey, the first blue bird was spotted here two weeks ago. They are very early arrivals.
