I received an email from a friend (she says...), Cheryl Harner of the Greater Mohican Audubon http://www.gmasohio.org/ yesterday. She wanted to see more birds from behind, sick girl.
Somehow, I've become known for getting the wrong end of a bird more often than shooting the 'proper' portrait of our little friends. I try to wait for a nice profile, butt, it just doesn't seem to work out that way. For awhile, I was getting frustrated being the butt of fellow birder's jokes. Butt now it's become my goal when out birding. I'm sure I can use the term 'butt' a few more times, butt I'll quit.
Anyway...we have about a foot of snow so far today...and it hasn't stopped coming down. I thought this would be a nice time to look at Spring Warblers, so here ya go. Think warm!
Blackburnian Warbler
...and this is only the beginning!
Very pretty birds. :-) I can understand how you got interested in birds, while at Sanibel. http://sanibeltoots.blogspot.com