Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hunting the Wiley Wild Otter...

 I ain't movin' til I see that otter!
Well, maybe when I finish lunch I'll go home...probably...yep...I'm out.

Yes kids, once again into the wilds of Pond Brook Reservation on the trail of the ever elusive wild Otters of northern Ohio...

I had a pleasant wander through the woods and meadow searching for what ever birds wish to come out from hiding in the dense foliage...not many came out. Oh well, I had a nice ramble round the reservation. I decided to not think about those wacky otters today. I'll just have a seat at the picnic table and eat my lunch...and not look in the brook for anything furry that may be swimming past..."be vewy, vewy quiet! We're hunting wabbits OTTERS!

I was just sittin there minded my own business when I heard a loud splash directly  across from where my lens is pointing! After choking on my ever tasteful turkey bologna samich, I jumped up to see waves leading in to that hole in the brush on the other side of the creek...then dead silence...other than that Song Sparrow laughing at me.

It was an otter! And you're right, I never saw it...the hunt week...maybe...or the week, we'll see...

 The tell tale sign of an otter...POOP!
Right in front of the picnic table.
Must be a popular place to dine....and, uh...
I'll use the public restroom though...

 One of these days! Pow!

 Well, I did see a Common Wood Nymph butterfly...
 And a few dozen American Goldfinches feasting!

 The lone shot of this very fast Baltimore Oriole...too much sugar in his diet...

 In the deep woods, I spotted this Empidonax flycatcher perched on a dead limb.

 He was very quiet and never called.
I thought maybe a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.

 But I think his bill is too big.
He has a full eye-ring...

 I've heard both Acadian and Willow Flycatchers in this park.
Being so deep in the woods, I'm leaning towards Acadian.
(These photos are all of the same bird.)
I'm looking forward to some comments on this one...please!

 This one I know!
It's my favorite little Song Sparrow!
 This Gray Catbird was giving me the crazy eye while I was eating my lunch.
I asked if he wanted some...apparently he's pickier about his lunch than me.

 Oooooh....pretty flowers!

 Seeing a warbly always makes my day better!
This Yellow Warbly was perched right above the alleged otters...

That's all for now...I'll post more from Pond Brook in a few days!
I'm off to Chautauqua Gorge and the Brushwood Folklore Center for the weekend!

Don't forget to visit Wild Bird Wednesday!

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