Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Doodles has a new goal...oh no...

Number One on the list...only eighty three to go...

I always get a little worried when The Doodles gets a new idea. They seem so simple. But are they ever? This one guarantees that the blog will be around for a while at least.

On my last post I mentioned the Lake Erie Birding Trail. It's a beautiful route of over 300 miles of the Lake Erie coast line and all of the fantastic spots to find birds. The Doodles has a plan. There are 84 sites. She wants to visit them all by the time she's 84. That's 28 years to visit them. I think we can accomplish this. Three per year...even if we have to roll our wheel chairs to them. Wendy Park on Whiskey Island right on the edge of downtown Cleveland. Whiskey Island seemed like a good place to start.

We're going for the record of slowest bird goal. Definitely not Big Year material...Stay tuned...

Here's to a good start!
An American Redstart from behind...

He didn't appreciate the little joke.

They planted wonderful wildflowers in an area that was once filled with trash.
There are lots of butterflies like this Black Swallowtail.

QUICK! There's a Black-and-White Warbler!
I get too excited and can't hold the camera still...even on a tripod...

I do believe this is the booty of a Blackpoll Warbler.
One of those wacky confusing fall warblys...

This is the time of year that you look for foraging flocks in the trees and shrubs...
and try to pick out what's there as fast as you can!
We saw a lot of Cape May Warblys.

Thunder storms were on the way.
It's amazing the number of birds that migrate through this area,
so close to the busy downtown and industrial areas.

Oh look!
Another Cape May Warblything!

This Caspian Tern was laughing as he was flying loops around me and making me dizzy.
As you can see, he's a right Tern...

Did I mention the vast numbers of Cape Mays Warblys?
Oh. Sorry.

This is the old, abandoned Coast Guard Station.
It was built in 1949 and may be re-used as a museum one day.

Double-crested Cormorant.
See the crest?

No respect.
Like you, this Downy Woodpecker is sticking his tongue out at me.

Where's Waldo?
There's a Grasshoppery thing in there!
"Grasshoppery" is the Latin term.

There's close to a dozen of these movable bridges spanning the Cuyahoga River.
Cuyahoga means crooked. Like many of our politicians...

Great Blue Heron and friends...waiting...and...
"Sitting on the dock of the bay."

No matter how much you yell, kids won't listen.
Token Herring Gull photo for people that like gray and off gray birds.

Definitely an Empidonax flycatcher.
Maybe a Least Flycatcher.
He's a cute big headed kid.

A Mourning Dove...
otherwise known as "Hawk Food."

Who's that hiding in the greenery?
Why it's our old buddy the Nashville Warbly!

I can't ignore the Yellow Warblys even though we see them all summer here.
Who's your buddy?

My big goal is to get at least one butt shot at each site.
I don't think that will be hard.
This is a Northern Mockingbird questioning


  1. Really nice pictures, and I think The Doodles will get her the prize, by 84. Keep earning!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Bob!
    Simple goals for simple people, eh?

  3. That northern mocking bird was not really polite and was doing his affair in front of you... Hope the doodles were not chocked ;-) I sometime feel like that poor herring gull ;-) Nice post Dave.

  4. I like the Doodles plan. Shes a smart lady! Nice butts..every one!

  5. I think Doodles and I are cut from the same cloth. These are my favorite type of goals. Good luck. So, yes, a blog post about each one is needed!


  6. Dave, your posts are always interesting, always amusing. That looks like a neat park to visit. I agree, I prefer the idea of Big Slow Decade as opposed to Big Year when it comes to birding - I hate being rushed!

  7. Thanks Everyone!
    I like the "Big Slow Decade" name...I may steal that!

  8. Good to have you back - sure missed your birdy humor - hope to bird with you guys soon!!
