Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 A happy Caspian Tern, so proud, with his freshly caught meal...and then...

 ...the epitome of of those gray and white birds...
A Ring-billed Gull! 

 Like certain, unnamed right winged, corporate backed politicians...
this gull...this usurper...tries to steal the food right out of his hard working mouth.
(Pretty clever political tie in, eh?)

You can't always fool those that work hard for their meals!

 But those evil greedy gulls don't give up.
He's gotta try a different angle.
"Yeah, I'm gonna do you a favor by taking that fish off of your hands...or beak."

"Oops. Is that your head I'm waterboarding...uh, I mean holding underwater?"

 A little arm...wing twisting never hurt anyone...

 One good tern deserves another...kick in the stomach!
"Stoopid Gull!"

 Once again, the wiser tern wins the battle!

The ring-billed republican...I...uh...gull didn't see that coming!

Thank you...this has been a not so subtle message from your local neighborhood, tree hugging, bird loving, left "wing" blogger. Pay attention out there! Elections are coming up and you don't want your food or well being stolen from you.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Little Blue...

 He's a Little Blue because he's a little lost...

 We had a nice spring walk at Sandy Ridge Reservation a couple of weeks ago...and it didn't snow! Maybe it really is spring...shhh!

A Little Blue Heron has been there for over a week, wandering through the marsh, feeding on all the yummy fish, frogs and who knows what else. Just a little bit out of his range, we don't see them often along Lake Erie! Plus we had a our first warbly of the to get ready for the invasion...
He's hiding back there somewhere...

 Did you ever taste something that wasn't quite right?

 Then do this?

 Sportin' his special hair do...oh baby...

 "Um, guys...what are they doing?"
Snapping turtles getting snappy...

 Little by little, the trees are rotting away in the wetlands.

 Enjoying the muck and mire, a Sora plays with it's food.

 Song Sparrows like to play in the mud too!

 A bevy of bootys!
...of the Blue-winged Teal type.

A headless bird!

 "HA! Got ya!"
Doh, it's only a smart Alec American Robin.

 Our first warbly thing of the year...a Yellow-rumped Warbly.
Appropriate for this blog...
 The woodlands are still a bit flooded.
 Puddle ducks like this Mallard are loving it!
 The Doodles likes the bridge...she doesn't like wet feet.

 Red-winged Blackbirds are already screaming about their little plots of marsh.

I have a Sora butt.
Ha! That's a funny one...

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Real Pip...

 "What's up there?"

 So...there we were...driving along Wilderness Road in Shreve...during the Migration Sensation...after 4 or 5 inches of snow fell...under which was a plenitude of rain...which turned to ice...which made for an exciting evening drive the night before we were driving along Wilderness Shreve...Ohio...during the Migration Sensation...uh...where was I? Oh, we saw a bird!

Actually saw quite a few birds, but this one in particular got me all excited! I saw this little thing along the side of the road, at the edge of the water...probing and bobbing his little butt all the while. I said to myself, "Myself...who likes the waters edge, has a pointy beak, is streaky and has a bobbly butt?" Well...the first bird that came to mind, being a lover of those cute warbly things and being that it is getting closer to May Madness and seeing as how a number of these critters had been sighted in Ohio lately and being a lover of those warbly things(did I say that already?) I screamed out "IT MUST BE A WATERTHRUSH!"

SO...being a good bird nerd, I posted a message on the Ohio list serve stating what I think may be a waterthrush and the location...knowing that someone would be watching and tell me I'm an idiot. (Everyone knows me...) Well...good ole Jen Brumfield was quick on the draw...or email...and simply asked "Are you sure it wasn't a Pipit?" Doh.

 This is what I hoped my birdy was, a Louisiana Waterthrush.
Similar looking, eh?
Bobbly butt and all...

 American Pipit was what is was!
Eating delicious frozen buggies!

 And there he goes...running away from me laughing and telling ALL of his friends what a moron I was...stoopid birds...stoopider Loopy.

By the way!
I will have an exhibit of my "work" at the Carlisle Visitors Center in LaGrange, Ohio through the month of April.
My good buddies Jennifer and Mary from the Lorain County Metroparks let me in every year!
One day they'll learn better...