Monday, February 23, 2009

So many Hummingbirds, so little time...

A sleepy Shining Sunbeam, truly a ray of light.

After viewing the Hummer photos from my last blog, I kept thinking about the number of them in South America, especially Ecuador. Here in Ohio, we only get the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds on a regular basis at our feeders and flower gardens.

But south of the border, it's craziness! These little speed demons are found only in the Americas and there are over 300 species to be found. I think we've only seen 41 species so far, we have a long way to go.

Here's a few of my favorites. You'll note that quite a few were shot in the rain, that's why they call it the 'rainforest' I guess. It makes for more exciting shooting. No flash, dark over grown habitats and REALLY fast moving birds. It really is fun though!

Andean Emerald, actually sitting still...for a second.

A Booted Racket-tail, looks like he has his fuzzy slippers on.

Buff-winged Starfrontlet, very big names for these little creatures.

Fawn-breasted Brilliant, more brilliant in real life!

The Great Sapphirewing, can you imagine getting that at your feeder?

I have so many more photos I would love to share. Photographing hummers is a special challenge that I don't always succeed at, but I always have fun. Wow, some of these are even from the right side. I better be careful or I'll have to change the name of my blog!

This may take a couple of posts for my favorite pics...


  1. ...I really enjoyed seeing these different types of hummingbirds. Visiting the rainforest must be an incredible experience!

  2. I've never seen a real Hummingbird, but it must be very exciting. Great photos of such fantastic creatures.
